Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Oh yeah, by the way....I came across this giveaway on http://www.handmadesuccess.blogspot.com/ Amanda from http://www.socialcirclecards.etsy.com/ is teaming up with handmade to give away some of her awesome cards to one lucky winner, which I hope will be me, which is why you are reading this!! Go to http://www.handmadesuccess.blogspot.com/

and read the instructions for your chance to enter the contest!!

Still working on my dosage

As I finish today, I get a call from my Dr. ...... go up to 20 units of insulin, yay for me!! I really wasn't surprised my numbers are still way to high...in the 250 range, they need to come down to under 100 fasting, and no more that 140 after eating! Wow I do hope getting my blood sugar under control will make me feel better. I have been nauseous everyday early in the a.m. around 3 am. Could be the insulin, may have to take some ginger with it. Why is it every drug has to cause something else!! I should have bought stock in the drug and supplement companies!! I get so tired in the afternoons....and I've got a lot to do. I'm trying very hard to get my jewelry business off the ground. I do hope getting my sugar under control will help my feet and my hands feel better. It's getting hard to make my jewelry my fingers hurt so bad. They feel frozen all the time, and everything hurts them now. I'm thinking I'll have to get some thimbles to keep turning those headpins, and using those tools!!

People make food I shouldn't eat when I'm coming over for dinner...and my mom says just don't eat it.....well I have to tell you that's like crack in front of a crackhead and saying JUST DON'T SMOKE IT!!! UUMMMM...yeah right. I wouldn't be going for dinner if we had our kitchen back together from the kitchen fire we had, but we're still waiting on the insurance company! I guess I could take my own food, or at least a big salad....I know I sound like I am whining...but it is so hard to eat "right" when everyone around you is eating what you want to be eating. Lord help me have the will power........

Enough of my whining!! Off to bed.....I'll let you know how the 20 units does me!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Getting The Dosage Down

EEERRRR...getting the dosage up I should say. Today my Dr. increased my insulin dosage to 13 units up 3 from my 10 units. 10 units brought me down some .....into the low 300's and 260's but as we all know that is not nearly low enough. So we shall see what this extra 3 units will do, seems like a very small amount of insulin....of course I hope I don't have to go up too much more. It's amazing to me that such a small dose can do anything. I'm glad it's a small dose...don't get me wrong. She wants to keep the units as low as possible...after all insulin causes weight gain...I already knew that. I've had to much insulin floating around in my body forever....gave me all kinds of nasty problems along with a whole lot of weight issues. What I'm wondering is how am I not going to get these problems back? Hopefully the dose being so low...there will be no extra to float around in my body. The VERY LAST thing I need is weight gain. I'm still trying to lose what all those years of not knowing/understanding what all that insulin was doing to me.

I had the "dirty neck" that in middle school kids teased me about ... saying that I wore cheap necklaces that turned my neck. I didn't know any better and I tried so hard to scrub my neck clean....even tried comet on it once. I couldn't get it clean so I quit wearing my gold chain my mom bought me and I quit wearing my hair up! No one could see my neck, and I wore a lot of turtle necks to hide my neck!! Now my "dirty neck" is finally gone and I'd like to keep that and the other nasty symptoms I lost away!!

Lord help me on this new journey. I'll keep ya posted. 'till next time!

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Well, I did it...... I gave myself my insulin shot, one a day, it's the new lantus 24 hr. insulin ! It hasn't made a difference yet. been doing it three days now. I don't know if the dossage isn't enough, or if it takes a couple of days for my body to figure it out. It's only 10 units this week, then I'll call her with my BS's and she'll adjust the dose I feel a bigger dose coming on !!

I do feel the needle, but I'm trying not to be such a big baby!! This is not where I thought I would be in my late thirties!! But I must do this....I can not let this horrific disease beat me done!!


Sunday, October 4, 2009

It's official

It's Official....I have to say I am a diabetic now.

I will begin insulin this week for diabetes, my blood sugars have been running way too high, and metformin is no longer keeping them down, and it appears now my body does not produce enough insulin, when my entire life I've had way too much insulin floating around. I guess my pancreas is plum tired. I have a horrific fear of needles so this is truly freakin' me out! My friend a nurse...swears i won't feel the needle....FEEL IT ?? not sure if I can even stick it in me, it kills me to prick myself to check my blood sugar, and I can't even SEE that needle!! takes me forever to mash that button to pop my finger with that needle!!

I have a wheat intolerance, makes gain a lot of water weight when I get into too much of it! I'm not supposed to eat too much soy because it can cause my thyroid function to go down even further than it already is, I shouldn't eat anything white / sugary / soy / wheat......talk about choices.....what choices
chicken....and lettuce. That's my choices. I know not really, but that is how it feels, makes me want to go out and eat pizza and chocolate cake!!

I have a lot to learn, and a lot of research to do....I must get serious about this, because I want to be able to dance at my daughter's wedding. I want to be able to see her walk down the aisle. I won't let this disease beat me............